Unlock Weapon XP Like a Pro: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Gamer's Guide

Greetings, gamers! Ready to advance in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3? Today, we'll go over the best guide to unlock Weapon XP like a real pro. We've got some fantastic tips to make your weaponry stronger and your gameplay even more awesome, whether you're a novice or a seasoned gamer. Prepare your gear, because we're about to upgrade those guns and dominate the fight.

The vast arsenal of weapons in CoD: MW 3 is both a blessing and a curse. Having hundreds of weapons to pick from, provides unprecedented loadout options, but the sheer number of weapons to level may become repetitive for even the most devoted CoD fan.

Using Scorestreaks, different game settings, and a few other tricks can help you level up as quickly as possible. Below we have mentioned some of these tricks and tips to rise to level 44 so that you can unlock weapons.

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To earn XP fast in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, players can

1. Complete Weekly Challenges

In Modern Warfare 3, players can earn XP by completing weekly challenges, defeating opponents and zombies in various game types, or completing contracts. While these objectives award XP, some provide more than others, making it critical to choose the correct tasks to acquire XP quickly. Weekly tasks, for example, are worth 10,000 XP, but daily challenges are for 2,500 XP. So, if a player wants to earn XP quickly, completing the weekly challenges is the best option.

2. Choose the appropriate Game Mode

In ground mode, you have technically 2 matches to play. Thus giving you an extra chance both to attack and to defend. And when you are near the flag, these kills grant extra XP. Also whenever a teammate spawns nearby, you get extra XP. These are free XP points in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

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Apart from Ground War, other helpful game modes to obtain maximum experience points are Search and Destroy and Kill Confirmed. Search and Destroy moves considerably more slowly and strategically, but you gain more XP for each kill. Therefore, if you're a skilled player, Search and Destroy can be the best option. However, Kill Confirmed is a fantastic substitute if you're searching for the typical fast-paced, thrilling Call of Duty action. With the high chance of killing and the large amount of XP awarded for picking up tags, Kill Confirmed is an excellent way to gain experience points.

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In addition to this, in Search and Destroy and Grounded modes, players can secure the most XP as kills offer double XPs.

3. Daily Challenges

In addition to weekly challenges don’t forget to supplement your progress with the daily challenges. Each day brings three new tasks that are worth 2,500 XP each. Once you finish those three, there's an extra challenge to complete. There are also weekly tasks ranging from 2,500 to 10,000 XP, and there are specific challenges if you play Zombies. Completing daily challenges also contributes to armory unlocks, so it's like killing two birds with one stone.

4. Weapon Challenges in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Since we are talking about completing challenges then it is pretty appropriate to mention weapon challenges. Another quick way to collect Xp Points in Call of Duty is also through weapon challenges. While they take longer to complete, some weapon challenges can award players with rewards as high as 10,000 XP.

5. Killing Army of The Undead

Killing zombies in the zombies mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is another quick way to gain XP. During the final fifteen minutes of the game, the undead typically rushes the map to attack players and eliminate them from successfully moving out by reaching exfil areas. Getting rid of the massive swarm of zombies is a simple method to level up and gain XP quickly.

To defeat the zombie army from a distance, players must make sure they have the best long-range weapons, such as sniper rifles. They may overpower you and kill players, therefore it can be unwise to get too close. Players playing this mode must be quick, calculating, and skilled at knocking out zombies in a short amount of time.

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Read more about Call of Duty MW3.

In Farm the Undead there are different contracts you can take up to complete and acquire XP points. Bounties, Escort Missions, Spore Disposal, and Safes are the best contracts to farm. After you obtain a powerful weapon with several Pack-A-Punch tiers, Bounty contracts are probably the fastest to complete, closely followed by Escort contracts. When a match first begins, try to finish the Spore and Safe contracts because they frequently create a lot of zombies.

6. Use Score Streaks to aid yourself

When it comes to earning weapon XP as quickly as possible players must use all the supplementary tactics. Score Streaks however don’t directly grant you weapon XP but you can use them to complete objectives which in turn helps in gaining weapon XP.

Plus, when you use score-streaks like UAV, even if your teammate kills an enemy using UAV it grants you an additional 50 XP. Also killing enemies using Streaks like Sentry Gun or Air Streaks grants you additional XPs.

7. Use Tokens to Double your Weapon XP

These can be obtained in three distinct forms: double battle pass XP, double rank XP, and double weapon XP. They are available in four different time slots (15, 30, 45, or 1 hour), and the battle pass is the primary way of getting them.

You can temporarily increase your XP earnings by activating your Weapon XP Tokens or XP through the main MP, Zombies, or Pause menu. Make sure to activate these tokens only when you are positive you can play for the token's indicated time, as they count down in real-time.

Tokens are quite limited in number so it is important to use them wisely. However, following are some generic methods you can use to earn more tokens:

  • All tokens obtained in MW2, including those from the campaign and vault edition, are transferable to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
  • The free and premium reward tracks of the Battle Pass also come with XP and Weapon XP boosters.
  • You can also redeem some promotional offers to earn XP tokens.
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Wrapping Up your ultimate Guide

By and large, we have discussed almost every point that you can use to earn weapon XP faster. However, one thing to keep in mind is that levelling up through multiple levels at once is not possible. So take your time and do the grinding. With these methods in mind, you can save time by directly focusing on productive and objective grinding.

As a gamer-to-gamer advice, “Warriors remember that it's not just about the XP; it's about the journey, the challenges conquered, and the victories earned.”